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Did you know, b.io means love itself, 'b' as Buono(good), good wine as you can't expect it from an organic wine, 'b' as Bene (love), love itself, 'lo' I decide, make the choice on what is good for me and the environment. Terro Cevico became promoter of a project, which started linking the organic aptitude of associated vine growers to the demand and involving important Italian viticulture cooperatives in it. The wines of the b.io project comes not only from their associated vine growers in Emilia Romagna but also from the most vocated area in Italy for the organic grape cultivation, as Sicily and Apulian, The goal is to extend the project in other Italian areas to develop a sustainable viticulture system. b.io's project for the future is where men, land and wine coexist in perfect harmony, b.io is the balance of environment, where also small insects that live in the vines have an important role in the ecosystem. Each insect is chosen to represent the usefulness for our ecosystem. Their presence symbolize the life and absence of chemicals.

The project b.io has two important key words: sustainability and certification, linked to goodness and quality. Only from a good job in the vines we can obtain a good organic wine. The use of organic products only, express in the best way the terroir concept in the wines, enhancing the natural grape characteristics